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Welcome to the gallery website art H-K

THE NEWIE !!!Painting from cycle The Apocalypse Covid and Drawings by the artist Jiři Anderle /born 1936/ from the book "Na Hradčanech", ISBN 978-80 -88286-06-6. Paintings from Philippines by the artist Ales Sedlacek /born 1947/. Paintings from the Sixties, paintings from cycle "Trinity", paintings from cycle "Cosmic charioteer" and Glass mosaic by the artist Milos Simurda /1924-2019/ and paintings from South Pacific and South China sea by the artist Ales Sedlacek who lives partly on the island of Kauai, Hawaii and the islands of the Philippines and large retrospective exhibition F.Janula's /1932-2020/ in the gallery section.
Paintings /(2021) and glas blown from the hand and paimted burnt paint "Vasen and objects 2017" by Vladimír Kopecký /born 1931/.

In the gallery section is 919 František Janula's works and 1172 Tomáš Měšťánek's works /1951-2021/.

You can also purchase works in the e-shop.

Vladimír Kopecký

Vladimír Kopecký

Vladimír Kopecký

Vladimír Kopecký

Vladimír Kopecký

Vladimír Kopecký

F r a n t i š e k J a n u l a The Czech artist from Paris

The children playing hide-and-seek do not have the slightest idea that since 1974 the last floor in their house in...

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Janula’s painting is my most astonishing discovery. We have been surprised and dazzled by his explosive works for...

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Prague tremplin des rêves Au zénith de sa trajectoire créatrice, Janula nous convie aujourd’hui à une...

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I first encountered František Janula more than twenty years ago. He has never ceased to surprise and dazzle me since...

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Publishing by Admin24
© Karel Sedláček, 2008 - 2025